Friday 15 July 2011

Work Day 24th July

Carrying on with bracken trampling from 2 weeks ago and clearing around new trees.
All welcome. 10 am. start. Contact Paul for directions if 1st time.
07870 780522
Can offer a short tour of other activities happening this year after lunch.

13th july

Small copper

6 spot Burnet

Soldier beetles

Thanks for IDing these Graham
Small flowers blooming in gateway of 3rd Meadow gateway ???

Worries about ever growing numbers of rabbits took a slight turn on noticing this rabbit scrape that seems to be in use by bees. 3 or so holes being used and about 6 arrivals/departures per minute.

End of June

Fungus growing on old gorse in green lane ???

Thanks for photo Tim

Tuesday 17 May 2011

After the rain

First look round after the end of the dry spell.
One Buzzard chick struggling to keep up with it's parents
Caterpillar below feeding on new sprouting chestnut leaves. ID???

Amphibian below had moved in under plastic mulch sheet where bracken and wind had lifted it and folded it over collected rainwater. ID ???.

The tree guard below had been unwound off tree and ends were covered in rabit sized teeth marks

Some Ash trees that had been left too long in nursery were have successfully been transplanted this winter. The tree below was left as thought to be a sycamore, but definitely not. ???

Sunday 2 January 2011

In the Nursery all trayed seedlings moved into inner enclosure. Over grown Ash dug out and replanted as a stand in 2nd Meadow. Germination crates to be moved into new 2nd inner enclosure in February, possibly with on a layer of slate, slabs.

2nd Meadow area laid out. To be interplanted in front with Elder and behind with Ash. Remainder of space filled with Alder and Birch. Just Birch with a little space around 4 yr old Plum trees.

Cutting back willow near car park for use as markers in new tree planting areas in 2nd Meadow, Stone Field and Little Stitch.

Hole in from adjacent warren was 20 inches underneath the fence burrowed above a layer of gritty soil. Noticable that the hole started to rise where it came under the fence. Trench cut across and lined with roof slates and filled. Undergrowth cleared away from cornish hedge open warren entrances up to predators.

Finding a completely striped ivy branch in the tree nursery was a clue to why so many seedlings missing.

Snow on ground covered in rabbit droppings reveals just how high rabbit population has grown and damge to trees whereever they can get to bark.